The Pontis Foundation connects its experience in education and inclusion and long-lasting work with pro bono experts and businesses in order to collectively support creativity and entrepreneurship in young people with different backgrounds and opportunities.

Pontis Foundation Executive Team

Martina Kolesárová
+421 2 5710 8111
Martina is responsible for the strategic management of the education and strategic philanthropy teams. She is also responsible for all activities in the field of social innovation. Besides, she also focuses on the foundation’s fundraising activities and the development of relationships with corporate and institutional partners.

Miriam Šelepová
Project Manager
+421 918 985 219
Miriam is also a part of Inclusion team where she works on the OPEN FUTURE program. She is carrying out the project of pilot extra-curricular center in Trnava where she is in charge of the content regarding education and direct work with children.

Martina Čápová
Program Manager
+421 948 479 350
Martina coordinates the Heart for Children programme, communicates with families and organisations, and procures approved assistance. Besides, she also participates in the implementation of the Open Future programme, mainly in the Zvolen centre. She is also responsible for the Lively Community with Opava programme.

Alica Vidová
programová manažérka

Dominika Gerhatová
programová koordinátorka, Trnava

Martin Točík
programový koordinátor, Zvolen

Michaela Tejbusová
senior mentorka

Zuzana Svoreňová
senior mentorka
Advisory Board

Jakub Šimek
Jakub used to work in Pontis Foundation for more than 12 years and he was responsible for global education projects. Programs Sote ICT and Sote Hubs in Kenya are helping young entrepreneurs and start-ups even at high schools. He is also involved in social innovation support and Soci SDGs project.
I witnessed how a Israeli program, Unistream OPEN FUTURE in Slovakia, became one of the most successful and influential initiatives in the country. This program is not only working well but it is also significantly changing the world of innovation and education in Israel. OPEN FUTURE´s potential is equally strong. Being able to contribute to new opportunities for talented young people in deprived communities carries along a huge inner satisfaction.
If we manage to provide high-quality education and programs for all groups of children and young people, regardless the place and family they are born to, we can start to believe that the society in our country can become a mature one.