16. 06. 2014

We announced Call for Papers

Register to the international conference development and democracy with your contribution.

The Pontis Foundation announces call for papers for forthcoming issues: 


  1. V4 partners in development cooperation
  2. Future of global education: paradigm shifts and conceptual changes
  3. Policy Coherence for Development – a new challenge for V4 countries
  4. Effective tools for civic participation to engage in public policy in the Western Balkans
  5. CSR and economic development
  6. V4 and Eastern Partnership: What smallscale assistance can give to small countries?
  7. Democracy Assistance: How to Ensure that the EU Plays a More Active and Principled Role in Supporting Democracy, Freedom and Human Rights in a Changing Geopolitical Climate



All papers, included in the positive reviewing process, will be published by the Pontis Foundation in the conference booklet with an ISBN number. Participants interested in publishing a paper, should indicate this in the registration form.


For the conference, one may submit:

LOT A: Academic contributions LOT B: Other types of submissions
 e.g. research papers                                                                                                       e.g. non-academic contributions, case studies, product / project demonstrations, short memos



All registered academic contributions will be evaluated by an academic committee composed of academic staff from the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences at Comenius University in Bratislava, the Faculty of International Relations of the University of Economics in Bratislava and the Pontis Foundation. The Pontis Foundation will send an evaluation of the paper to the author, who will be able to adjust their contribution within 14 days of receipt of the assessment. Contributions approved by the evaluation committee will be published in the peer-reviewed part of conference proceedings.

The required length of the paper is 10 – 15 standard pages (18.000 to 27.000 characters including spaces) in Slovak, Czech or English.

The paper should include the following parts:

  • Title
  • Abstract: 100 – 150 words
  • Keywords: 3 – 5 words
  • Introduction
  • Conclusion / recommendations
  • Bibliography

Authors are invited to submit the full version of their paper to conference@nadaciapontis.sk in electronic form (only .DOC files are acceptable). The deadline for paper submission is 7.9. 2014.


All registered non-academic contributions will be evaluated by the preparatory committee of the conference. Contributions approved by the preparatory committee will be published in a non peer-reviewed part of conference proceedings.

Case studies, non-academic contributions, products / projects and short memos shall be submitted to conference@nadaciapontis.sk  in electronic form (only .DOC files are acceptable). The deadline for paper submission is 7.9.2014. The recommended length of the paper is max. 6 standard pages (10.800 characters including spaces).  There are no special requirements for these types of submissions.


Full paper submission deadline: 7. 9. 2014
Full paper review results: 30. 09. 2014
International conference:  15. 10. 2014
Publication:   20. 12. 2014



Registration of those, who wish to publish a paper is available until 7.9. 2014.

Download the registration form HERE.

Fee: The conference is free of charge as it is co-financed with support from SlovakAid.

The Pontis Foundation will partially co-finance travel and accommodation cost for those participants, who submit a paper.

Who we are

We create strong and meaningful linkages between the corporate, civic and public sectors in our three strategic topics – social innovation, philanthropy and responsible entrepreneurship. We build expertise our expertise in these issues, bring trends, promote long-term impact, and inspire.

Pontis Foundation
Zelinarska 2821 08

Phone: (+421 2) 5710 8111
Contact for media:
Phone: (+421 2) 5710 8113